The Goshen Journey

A Community of Faith-Based Entrepreneurs & Leaders


What is The Goshen Journey?

The Goshen Journey is a prophetic community empowering faith-driven entrepreneurs to create wealth and secure their futures in uncertain times. Like the biblical land of Goshen, we offer guidance, strategies, and tools to thrive amid economic shifts.

Led by Tomi Arayomi, we equip Kingdom entrepreneurs to build economic safety nets and achieve lasting success. Our training, network, and mentorship help you confidently navigate present and future challenges.

Step-by-Step Business Blueprint

  • Receive guidance rooted in biblical principles and prophetic insights.
  • Master the essential skills required to build and sustain wealth.
  • Follow a structured, easy-to-implement program

Exclusive Network & Community

  • Engage with a global network of like-minded individuals.
  • Gain insights and practical knowledge from experienced mentors.
  • Celebrate achievements within a supportive community that shares your vision.

Mentorship & Guidance

  • Participate in live sessions with mentors who share prophetic and business insights.
  • Access advice and strategies tailored to your unique calling and goals.
  • Benefit from ongoing support as you build your "arc of safety."
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What Do We Teach?

We have put together 7 pillars that are the key to to building kingdom wealth.


“Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you your future”.
Your community shapes you. While many things are beyond control, you can choose your environment. Surround yourself with a tribe dedicated to God, like the Goshenites and the Sons of Issachar, who understood the times and knew what to do. A tribe offers prophetic insight, accountability, momentum, and energy to build your vision.



God has called his people to a fruitfulness that multiplies. The Hebrews had increased their population. We will help you develop strategic relationships, principles of scaling business, personal development expansion, hiring, multi flows income. Goshen became a land where the Israelites prospered. "The people of Israel were fruitful and increased greatly; they multiplied and grew exceedingly strong, so that the land was filled with them" (Exodus 1:7).



During the plagues, God set Goshen apart from Egypt. For instance, during the fourth plague, the Lord declared, “On that day I will treat differently the land of Goshen, where my people dwell; no swarms of flies will be there, so you will recognize that I, the LORD, am in this land” (Exodus 8:22; cf. 9:26). Goshen coaching imparts Kingdom secrets and elite business strategies. Gain freedom biz structures for risk mitigation and anonymity, shielding against litigators and economic threats.



Joseph, one of Jacob's sons, had been sold by his brothers into slavery and ended up in Egypt where, by God's protection and provision, he rose to become the second in command. Do business. Occupy. Business tactics, niche, solutions, delegation, hiring. Process. Investors don’t invest in a product, they invest in a business. And business grows through process and systematization. We will help you grow your business endeavours, release your time, and leverage your systems for scaling to higher revenue.



Real estate Property. Lower Nile, called Goshen, as a place to live and raise their livestock (Genesis 46:28—47:1–6). Its fertile soil was ideal for pasturing animals and Pharaoh entrusted his own royal livestock to the Israelites



You will dwell in the region of Goshen, where you will be near me—you and your children and your grandchildren, your flocks and herds, and all that is yours. Genesis 45:10



Not only did living in the land of Goshen set the Hebrews apart from the Egyptians, but it also kept them close to Joseph, their powerful patron (Genesis 45:10). This implies that Goshen was close to the center of the Egyptian government. We are not advocating a monastic withdrawal from the world. Rather a reformation of nations, relationships in government, creative innovations and solutions to problems.


What is The Goshen Journey?

After completing each month inside of Goshen, you unlock exclusive bonuses…

We are committed to your success and will support you until you reach your goals. With each month, you'll unlock new resources, bonuses, and transformational content designed to elevate your journey and spiritual growth.

Genesis - Month 1: Bi-Weekly Mentorship Calls with Tomi Arayomi, Weekly Coaching Calls with Dan Romer, access to the Goshen Network, Video Training Archive, and App.

Watchman - Month 2: Access to unreleased courses and content in the Goshen Lab.

Strategist - Month 6: VIP access to direct channels with Tomi Arayomi and Dan Romer.

Leader - Month 9: $750 course credit for further skill enhancement.

Partner - Month 12: Unlock exclusive partner-level benefits. Details upon arrival.

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The Choice Is Yours

Are you ready to take control of your future?

We’re here to provide you with all the tools and support you need on your journey!

The Goshen Journey is the first and only place to prepare for what's ahead and build lasting wealth.

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Frequently asked questions

Get Your Questions answered

What is Goshen?
Goshen, as depicted in biblical history, was a place of refuge where those who secured it during times of crisis could reap financial benefits. It represented a sanctuary where individuals could prosper while others faced hardships. The Ecclesia, or the called-out ones, are tasked with moving away from the world's
system to access the wealth mentioned in Scripture. This platform aims to empower you to dominate the marketplace and attain kingdom wealth, even in times of adversity. I can give you the success tools, but you have to give us the faith.
How do I join Goshen?
Joining Goshen Network is simple. Click the ‘Get Monthly Access’ button above. Once registered, you'll gain access to all the features and benefits of our platform. We’re waiting for you inside. Come say Hi and join the next Live training session.
What can I expect from the Goshen Program?
In the Goshen Program, you can expect exclusive content, vibrant community engagement, live sessions with me and other kingdom entrepreneurs, and secrets to building Kingdom wealth. Our platform is designed to support you in every aspect of your journey towards prosperity and kingdom.
How can I connect with other members?
You can connect with other members through various features on our platform, including community chats, specific topics, and event participation. Engage in discussions, share insights, and build meaningful relationships with like-minded individuals.
In the Goshen Program, you can expect exclusive content, vibrant community engagement, live sessions with me and other kingdom entrepreneurs, and secrets to building Kingdom wealth. Our platform is designed to support you in every aspect of your journey towards prosperity and kingdom.
Can I access Goshen on mobile devices?
Yes absolutely. We will be releasing the Goshen app in the next few weeks. Subscribe now and we’ll let you know when its released. In the meantime you can access the network on the browser on your mobile device.